Friday, October 16, 2009

Life Before Computers

I am writing from my husband's computer. I do not want to be writing from my husband's computer, but this morning I got up and turned my laptop on before I got into the shower, and when I got out of the shower, I discovered that it still hadn't turned on properly. It kept trying to turn on and then saying it needed to go in safe mode and when I tried to put it in safe mode, it would just reboot and start the whole process over again.

It is not the end of world (except for the fact that most of my work files are on that computer), I am just waiting for the computer repair shop near my house to open so I can trot it on over. The files can always be recovered if the computer cannot, but it is such an incovenience, a bother, a headache, a supreme annoyance.

Of course, the first question Trevor asked me when I called him was, have you been backing up your files? Of course I have NOT been backing up my files. The external hard drive we have for backing up files is connected to his computer and his computer has to be on whenever I want to back up files. So I am supposed to run upstairs and turn his computer on to use it. But I hate the idea of his computer running when it is not being used, so I tell myself, oh, I'll just back up those files later, and then I never do. (Note to self: when I get laptop fixed, or new computer, hook external hard drive to my computer!)

I can get the etsy work done that I wanted to get done today on his computer. But it will take me oodles of extra time. I have ten new items to photograph and list today. IF I download my photo editor to his computer, IF I download my digital camera software to his computer, then maybe I could get it done eventually.

I like my workspace. It is a complete mess and it has my paperwork and litter all over it, but it is my mess and my space. Trevor's desk is messy in a way that disgusts me (not sure why, really, it's not that much dirtier than my own space). He also allows the cats on his desk, something I do not (I don't even let them in my office) and one of the cats is pacing on the desk right now, trying to weasel her way onto my lap. It's funny what we take for granted. How ever did I function before computers? I have to admit, being 36, I can't really remember life without a computer.

So, instead of trying to get everything to function on Trevor's computer right now, I am going to go outside and work on cleaning my studio and run over to home depot to look at heaters and oh, yeah, drop my computer off on the way and hope it won't be gone for too long.

1 comment:

  1. I understand completely.. My computer crashed, and I had not backed it up,, but everything was lost according to the Professionals.. I bought the Western Digital portable at Costco.. don't ask if I plugged it in.. not a fair question. Love your pieces on Etsy!
    Back to my messy studio! enjoy your day, vivian
